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Laser Hair Removal for All Skin Types

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Laser Hair Removal for All Skin Types Manchester

One of the most asked questions at The Laser Club is: Do we treat all skin types and tones?

The answer is yes- in the past laser hair removal hasn’t been suitable for all skin types and tones on the Fitzpatrick scale, you would have to buy one machine for each type of skin. This ended up with ridiculous prices from the laser clinics to make up for the big investment on machines.

Why Does Skin Type Matter?

A few years ago, the rule of thumb for laser treatments was: the fairer your skin tone and the darker your hair, the fewer the side effects and the better your results. This meant that the laser favoured big contrast. Older laser treatments could cause discoloration or skin damage to those with darker skin colours. With our foremost technology everyone can achieve great results with no risk of scarring or burning.

What is the Fitzpatrick scale?

According to the Fitzpatrick scale our skin is one of 6 colours depending on a whole range of things i.e. how easily you can tan or burn under the sunlight. Here are a few questions to determine skin type:

  • How does you skin react in the sunlight or tanning beds? Do you burn easily?
  • What’s your natural eye/hair colour?
  • What’s your family background?
  • Do you have many visible freckles?

Your background and genetic make up are the main players in determining what your skin type is. Once we identify it, we choose your settings accordingly. The amazing thing about our SMARTDiode machine is that we can achieve the same fast and long lasting results with all skin types! We just adjust the settings to target your follicles more efficiently.

How will we know which skin type you are?

Our experienced and highly trianed technicians will ask a whole battery of questions and also take a look at your skin and hair to make sure they pick the correct setting for you. Here at The Laser Club we also have the latest technology in skin analysing devices just to make sure we know exactly what will work best for you.

What happens in a consultation and patch test?

All potential clients have to undergo a full consultation prior to any laser hair removal treatment. This allows us to be aware of the following important factors:

  • Contraindications (to make sure you are suitable for the treatment.)
  • Hair & skin type
  • Settings to use (these may vary from session to session depending on your skin and hair)

Other topics we will discuss with you:

  • Treatment goals and expectations
  • Past hair removal methods
  • Details about your medical history: are you taking any medication? Do you have any condition that may affect your hair? (like PCOS)
  • Aftercare requirements
  • Cost of the treatments and frequency
  • We will also answer any question you might have

We will then proceed to patch test any area you are interested in. If you decide then to go ahead with your treatment we will book you in for your first appointment.

We offer free consultation & patch test so if you are interested you just have to book here or get in contact.

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